Chinese Traditional Art exhibition hosted in Beijing.
'Spirit Matters: Traditional Culture in Chinese Contemporary Art' Hits the UK
Chinese traditional culture is turned into art. On July 5, 2024, the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts unveiled the China National Arts Fund’s 2024 project “Spirit Matters: Traditional Culture...
Visitors participate in a silk fan workshop at the London Craft Week.
Silk and Handicrafts-themed workshops at “Chinese Design: Harmony in Diversity" London Craft Week
Silk and handicraft workshops held at London Craft Week. On May 15, during the 10th London Craft Week themed “Chinese Design: Harmony in Diversity”, Silk and Handicrafts-themed lectures and workshops were...
Speaker at the London Craft Week.
Jizhou Kiln Ceramics Made a Grand Entrance at the 10th London 'Chinese Design: Harmony in Diversity' Craft Week
On May 14, the annual 10th London Craft Week, themed ‘Chinese Design: Harmony in Diversity’ featured a special event with Jizhou Kiln Ceramics as the guest of honour. Jizhou Kiln, located in...
Speech at the London Craft Week.
10th London Craft Week themed 'Chinese Design: Harmony in Diversity' launched in UK
Chinese themed 10th London Craft Week launches On May 13th, London celebrated the opening of the tenth annual London Craft Week. This year themed “Chinese Design: Harmony in Diversity.” London...
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