Our Goals

China Minutes sets out to make sense of China and Chinese culture. Based in London, we cover local China-British community events and news. When it comes to China, we cover Chinese culture and society from a ground up people focused perspective.

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What’s on in London November: Chinese Social and Cultural Events

The Company

Founded in 2015, China Minutes has emerged as one of the UK’s most popular English-language platforms about China. 

As well as publishing articles daily on our website, we produce a print newspaper yearly to celebrate Chinese New Year. On social media, our short videos are watched by millions on Instagram and TikTok.

Contact Us

If you wish to get in contact regarding business or marketing inquiries, please reach out at the following email addresses. 

Editorial: uk-ed@oushinet.com 

Business : robin.liu@chinaminutes.co.uk

Digital Marketing : Stefy.tang@chinaminutes.co.uk

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